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SqureIT is a cyber safety and security awareness platform focused on children and their care takes.
Recommended for children
A collection of cyber safety and security awareness articles for children.
Recommended for caretakers
A collection of cyber safety and security awareness articles for care takers of children.
A collection of cyber safety and security awareness quiz.
Games Tools
A collection of cyber safety and security awareness games and tools.
Article for children about cyberbullying.
Data Online
Article for children about data online.
How to Behave Online
Article for children about online behavior.
Online Friends & People
Article for children about online friends.
Article for children about phishing.
Sharing Personal Information
Article for children about person
Talk to an Adult
Article for children about talking to an adult.
Cyber Education & Cyberbullying
Article for children about cyber education and cyberbullying.
Monitoring Children
Article for children about monitoring children.
Parental Control & Guidance
Article for children about parental control and guidance.
Have I Been Pwned
Article about the cyber sagety and security tool haveibeenpwned.
KeePassXC & KeePassDX
Article about the cybersecurity tools KeePassXC and KeePassDX.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Article about the cybersecurity techniuqes of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), and Two-Step Verification.
Password Generation & Validation
Article about creating secure and easy to remember passwords with tools to test password strength and generate secure memorable passwords.
Word Scramble
A cyber safety and security awareness raising game of word scramble.
Article about the cyber safety and security tool VirusTotal.
Word Search
A cyber safety and security awareness raising game of word search.
Information about SqureIT and our mission.
Contect information of SqureIT.
A page to submit user feedback.